Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Since the beginnings of humankind people have gazed where they can. Before the dawn of history someone noticed that certain celestial bodies moved in orderly and predictable paths, and astronomy 'an ancient science' was born. Yet some of science's newest discoveries have been made in this same field, which includes the study of all matter outside Earth's atmosphere. From simple observations of the motions of the sun and the stars as they pass across the sky, to advanced theories of the exotic states of matter in collapsed stars, astronomy has spanned the ages.

Ahead of Einstein’s Time

 What would Albert Einstein think if he were alive today?
         As a theorist who was interested in experiments, in his early career at least, he would be pleased to know that a small band of 21st century physicists are still trying to find flaws in the special theory of relativity, while others are busy checking out the predictions of the general theory, And having spent the final years of his life trying to unify general relativity with electromagnetism, without success, he could be forgiven for thinking that criticisms of his relative non-productivity in those years were somewhat unfair. No-one else has succeeded where he failed.

Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

Einstein once said “if bees disappear from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than 4 years to live.”
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) or honey bee depopulation syndrome (HBDS) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or honey bee colony abruptly disappear. The term colony collapse disorder was first applied to a drastic rise in the number of disappearances of Western honey bee colonies in North America in late 2006. European beekeepers observed similar phenomena in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain,  and initial reports have also come in from Switzerland and Germany, albeit to a lesser degree while the Northern Ireland Assembly received reports of a decline greater than 50% Possible cases of CCD have also been reported in Taiwan since April 2007. The cause or causes of the syndrome are not yet fully understood, although many authorities attribute the problem to biotic factors, environmental change or modern use of equipments. Their descriptions are given below:-


A renowned Professor lecturing on the topic of the universe had just stated that in about a billion years, according to her calculation, the Earth would fall into the sun in a fiery death. In the back of the auditorium, a tremendous voice piped "Excuse me, Professor, but h-h-how long did you say it would be? Professor calmly replied" About a billion years."
A sigh of relief was heard. "Whew! For a minute there, I thought you'd said a million years."

Give me an example
          Chief instructur: Now remember statistics don’t lie, if 12 man can build a house in one day then one man can build same house in 12 days. Do you understand what I mean? Anup, give me an example.
          Anup: If one boat could cross the ocean in 6 days, 6 boats could cross the ocean in one day.
Ashmita Poudel



Loud speaker is a device which converts the electrical energy into the sound energy. But how the loud speaker works? The shape of loudspeaker is like a cone made of plastic. In the middle, the round shaped permanent magnet is fixed which produces fixed electric field. In the middle of magnet there is space where a piece of soft iron core is kept. This iron core is wounded by the wires and it can move.
When the ac current is supplied, the pole of magnet also changes and produces attraction and repulsion force between the magnet and iron. Due to this movement of soft iron core, vibration is produced which results mechanical wave (sound).  In this way the loudspeaker sends out sound in all directions.
Now what happens if the loudspeaker is made to work in the reverse way?

Amazing Facts about Sex.

Did You Know…..
      I.            The average male produces several million new sperm daily, while a female produce no more than that throughout her lifetime. A man will ejaculate about 1 to 2 trillion sperm in his lifetime.
 II.            Unlike other cells, which contain an individual's full DNA, the egg of female and sperm of male each contain only half of the DNA required to reproduce a new human. A single cell contains 6 billion steps of DNA.
III.            Use of the condom was first noted in published literature in the early 1500A.D. It was originally made of linen, and historians believe the legendary lover Casanova used linen condoms. The first legalized condoms in the US were made from vulcanized rubber in the 1870A.D. They were expensive and annoyingly thick and meant to be reused. Today, Japan leads the world in condom use.

Science and spirituality

Pariwartan (crazy diamond)
Earlier science and spirituality used to be considered as two opposite parts of life. Belief in one meant disbelief in another but time went on and the terms have been expressed together. Today science defines spiritualism and vice versa.
After the World War II, industrial revolution began. Europe and America proved themselves a step ahead than the rest part of the globe. Sophisticated technologies made the world amazed and we easterners were not the exception. Our identity began to fade and we became the captives of the materialistic world. Then there was no option left for us than believing what the westerns and the Americans said

Mental health, addiction and community health

 Rosy Thapa, microbiology
Mental health can be defined as “a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life”. Mental health is not mere absence of mental illness. Mental illness can be classified into three types: psychosis, neurosis and epilepsy. Addiction is a chronic progressive and sometimes fatal disorder with both genetic and environmental roots.

What’s A Google?

When you hear the word Google the first image that comes to mind has to be the famous internet search engine but does the word actually mean anything? Well the answer is a firm yes because it comes from the term “Googol” which represents a number (written as a 1 followed by 100 zeros) so large that it’s actually larger than the total number of atoms in the known universe.

Tortoise of turtle

All tortoises are turtles but not all turtles are tortoises.
You know it is a tortoise if it
·        lives on land
·        eats only planets
·        has a large, hard, domelike shell
·        is hidden-necked.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 for Graphene -- 'Two-Dimensional' Material

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010 to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both of the University of Manchester, "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene."

 Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim

A thin flake of ordinary carbon, just one atom thick, lies behind this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. Geim and Novoselov have shown that carbon in such a flat form has exceptional properties that originate from the remarkable world of quantum physics.


Bhaba Amatya
Zoology Department
Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara
Global warming refers to the rising global temperature. It causes climate change that is responsible for: flood; frequent and intense rain and snow; change in the normal occurrence of monsoon thereby affecting crop production; drought; land slide; vector borne diseases; more frequent tropical storms; forest fire and extinction of species due to the loss of ecological niches.
          Scientists all over the world believe that global warming is caused mainly by two processes as given below:
1) Increase in the level of green house gases such as carbon dioxide (Co2), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS), methane and water vapour due to burning of fossil fuel and deforestation.
2) Milankovitch cycle

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Space Quick Facts

1. The Sun looks 1600 times fainter from Pluto than it does from the Earth.
2. There is a supemassive black hole right in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy that is 4 million times the mass of the Sun.
3. There are over 20 million observable meteors per day.
4. Only one or two meteorites per day reach the surface of Earth.
5. The typical size of a meteor is about one cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to the size of a sugar cube.
6. Each day, Earth accumulates 10 to 100 tons of material.
7. A piece of a neutron star the size of a pin point would way 1 million tons.
8. Light reflecting off the moon takes 1.2822 seconds to reach Earth.
9. There has only been one satellite destroyed by a meteor, it was the European Space Agency’s Olympus in 1993.
10. The International Space Station orbits at 248 miles above the Earth.
11. The Earth orbits the Sun at 66,700mph.
Shree krishna kc
BSc. 2nd yr

Saturday, August 28, 2010

On science philosophy

Go out on a clear fall night and observe the great square of stars in the constellation. How large is the universe? How large does it seem? How many clusters of galaxy exit in the universe? Perhaps billion. Can we find cluster of cluster? Perhaps yes. Is there any end to this awesome distancing?
Science admits the earth is perhaps, many billions years old. Prior to the precise period where actually was Earth? Science acknowledges that the earth was formed due to the explosion of some gigantic matter conceivably the sun. If it is so then how and what that colossal entity did come into substance? Where is or was that prehistoric matter before the explosion occurred? How can you avoid asking the time "before" the explosion? How can you not wonder "where" it occurred and much important why? The explosion, if it was an event, must have a cause. By which degree that the planet are stationed in that particular position gratifying their contractual obligation of rotation and revolution on that earnest approach? By which degree that they do not disregard their explicit orbit? When, why and how the so called gravitational force which undeniably is sensitive did subsist within on sensitive soil and stone? Why the same phenomenon of cooling did not subsist in the sun while it ensues in planets within same solar system? Why and how helium exit in the sun while oxygen in the earth? If humans and apes belongs to same antecedent then why one turned out to be an animal while other into human?

Theory of love

We all are familiar with Newton's law of gravitation which states that "Every body in this universe attracts another with the force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them."
Here I am going to explain anything regarding it but I want to relate this law with the love in two hearts. Similar to the above law let me establish another law i.e. "every heart on this earth attract another heart by a force which is
1. Directly proportional to the product of amount of their love in their heart
i.e. F ∝ L1x L2
Where L1 and L2 are the amount of love in two different hearts.
2. Inversely proportional to the square of distance between two hearts.
i.e. F∝ 1/d2

The researcher

On the distant far land
He's lying on the pile of sand
With lonely mind and paper in hand.

The scorching sun shines on him
The sweltering heat makes him scream
But, today he is here to show his drean

He is on the depth, nobody can measure
He has given up all happiness and pleasure
Just to find out that hidden treasure.

Today he has shown what his result says
Thinking it will make them amaze
And it’s the unknown mystry of ages.

They just saw scribbles on his pages.
Pariwartan Tiwari
(Crazy diamond)

How Heavy Is The Earth ?

Now despite science coming forward in leaps and bounds the simple question of how much the Earth weighs isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Certainly placing the earth onto a massive set of weighing scales isn’t an option. So how do we measure the total weight of the Earth?
Well scientists initially went about this task by trying to estimate the weight of a very large mountain and then simply scaling that figure up. However this method led to some peculiar results and since then the mathematics and calculations involved have changed taking into consideration further factors such as the volume and overall density of the planet.
If you combine the above with weighted samples of various parts of the planet scientists have come up with a more accurate number which they believe to be around 6 quadrillion kilograms.


Every creature, from its birth till the death is in the process of “understanding the world”. Our introduction with the world begins with our birth and for our whole life there is the entire world for us to understand. Understanding the world is the most basic and necessary activity in our life. Knowingly or unknowingly we do it all the time, being aware or even being unaware with it. Understanding the world has been the theme of our life and we are so much in it that we don’t even care we are doing it. A baby learning its basic steps of life, a cub getting trained to hunt, a deer running to save its life, a spider knitting its web, an elephant in search of water, a worker giving best out of his/her labor or a scientist diving deep into a theory, seems all have their own world to understand. But the world is one, so all creatures have a common purpose of understanding this world.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Endangered Species

An endangered species of a toothless mammal once found on the bank of Bagmati river is Pangolin. Pangolin found in Nepal is a scaly anteater. Its scientific name is Manis pentadactylus. It is a native of Asia, Africa, and some Island in Pacific. Largest of all the Pangolin is the Great Ground Pangolin; Smutsia gigantea of equatorial Africa.
Pangolin’s body is streamlined and tappesed at both ends with long tail. Its body is covered with scales which are made from hair cemented densely together. Its head is small, the face pointed and mouth without tooth. From the mouth the tiny long sticky string of a tongue can be exteuded several inches to pick up the insects . The limbs are provided with strongly clawed five digits.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Unidentified Flying Object is any aerial object or may be optical phenomenon not readily identifiable to the observer. UFOs became a major subject of interest following the development of rocketry after World War II and were thought by some researchers to be intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

The first well-known UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour and said they moved “like saucers skipping on water.” In the newspaper report that followed, it was mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, hence the term flying saucer.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This year Nobel Prize in Physics : Optical fiber and Digital Camera

Nobel Prize was established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901. He was a Swedish chemist and industrialist. He was also inventor of high explosive Dynamite. The mount of 31 million Swedish Kroner was deposited to establish the world's most prestigious prize "Nobel Prize". In the beginning, Nobel Prize was awarded in four different fields, viz. Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Physiology or Medicine. Later other two new fields, Peace and Economics have been introduced.

Newton's Three Laws

In our daily life we see the body being at rest, at constant motion or in acceleration. Now, Newton explains about these state of body in his three law of motion.

Newton, in his first law of motion, states, "Every object continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line unless an external force acts on it". It explains about the inertia possesses by every object. The body at rest will continue the state of rest if an external force is not applied and this is inertia of rest. Again the body at motion will continue in the state of motion with constant speed along the direction in straight line if an external force is not applied and this is called inertia of motion.

My daily Life Experience

 The greatest decision of our life I guess is choosing a perfect career because it leads you to the extreme satisfaction or else an ill decision leads you to the greatest misery. A perfect career is that in which you have the greatest interest and you are born to do. It is the one which makes you feel that you can give your fullest of life. I have seen that most of our family take great ambitions in their lives to see their children as a doctor, engineer, pilot which they think are the greatest career but they forget to match the ability of their children with their field of interest and that might lead to great sadness and depression to parents .What we must know is that not everyone of us are born for doctors, engineers, pilots ; there are other ways out. In today’s quantitive world where everything is valued by price and economy. It is so hard that people are becoming money minded. Everything here has become cost effective .

One day

One day in heaven all the famous scientists decide to play
hide-and-seek. Everyone goes and hides somewhere
except Newton who draws a square on the floor and sits
inside it. When Einstein finishes counting he turns around
to see Newton, who refuses to accept that he has been
caught. He says angrily pointing at the square on the floor
“I'm Newton per meter square. That makes me Pascal.”

How I think

There was a time when people knew nothing special. They were oblivious about the cause and effects of the matters surrounding them. Soon, the clashes between their mind and matter caused them to know something about their mind, and so they realized the matter around them with classified phenomenon and mechanism . And that was all, they were satisfied; but not so long they kept unamazed they countered with many exceptions to their knowledge. The consequence was same, their mind and surroundings met war again. They knew something more of inside the mind and re-established the theories of their own.

Do Hindu's Believe the World will End ?

Modern science can explain how the universe was created from the few millionth of a second onward, before that time scientific theories break down. So far,we have no explanation  for the origin of the universe.

Flatworm, which evolved 550 million years ago, where the first animal to have a brain.

What you think about it ?? Leave comment if you have...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Perfect Numbers

A number which is equal to the sum of its divisors except itself:
1) 6 = 1+2+3
2) 28 = 1+2+4+7+14
3) 496
4) 8128

Organ Transplantation

The word transplantation means the replacement of tissues or organs by healthy tissues or organs either in the same body or organ from one individual to another. Generally skin, cornea, lungs, heart, kidney etc. are transplanted through medical surgery. It is a decisive procedure used in those cases where survival of individual is in danger (transplantation is only the last resort as life expectancy of individual is short).

The fundamental force in nature

In the universe, there are different types of force but I am going to explain about these forces which created in the origin of the universe. These forces are strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravitational force. In the time of big bang, these four fundamental forces were believed as a single force, called unified force. Now most physicists hope to find a unified theory, but they don’t success to solve this problem. After big bang, the universe cooled, and then the forces separated as the original symmetries were broken. Now I shall describe four fundamental forces.


1. When we throw any object into sky, then it returns back to earth’s surface. Rivers and streams flow downward from hills and mountains. Rainfall occurs in the downward direction. Earth revolves around sun and moon revolves around earth. Eight planets of solar system moves around the sun. Atmosphere surrounds the earth. There is something that return the thrown stone to earth surface, makes river flow downward, rainfall occurs downward furthermore, there is something that draw the earth toward the sun and the moon towards the earth and eventually the eight planets of solar system toward the sun. That something is pulling force. This force is called gravity force.

Albert Einstein's Biography

(March 14, 1879 – April 8, 1955)
 Einstein is best known for his theory of relativity which completely revised existing concepts of fundamental, universal laws and paved the way for the atomic age. It holds that only the relative motion of objects may ever be observed. Finally, it brings the fourth dimension, time, into physical measurement along with the other three dimensions of space.

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