We The Science Students

I see a bird flying in the sky that envy me remind my liberty has been demarcated by our strict improper curriculum. I see people wander with their degree certificate lacking enthusiasm applying for job. I see those people do no good, misunderstand their colleagues & public who suggest for the better system to be applied but instead of support they disregard & system of the office goes down.

I believe we born here to do certain task for welfare of country & die peacefully. To do certain task we require proper education of our field of interest. Despite government of Nepal has their own curriculum which is not preferred by the most. We find many examples that our degree holder manpower is worthless for welfare of country. Most of our engineer, doctor to name a few couldn’t get opportunity in big projects of Nepal. Nepal must hire skillful manpower from other countries like China, India, etc to run those projects. Even our political leader lack trust on Nepalese doctors for curing some trivial illness & they have to travel abroad. I feel uncomfortable when those leaders pretend to love their country & say we have to develop our nation. But how & when do they start? A big question mark arises in front of me. Till now I find trace of solution nowhere.
I don’t feel good when our Nepalese manpower work below manpower of other countries in such a big project. One of the biggest reason we lack manpower is because of improper curriculum taught in schools & campuses. Why student have to suffer loads of subjects to study even that is irrelevant with their field of interest? These unnecessary burdens of heavy subjects in fact lose interest on study. Ultimately they are compelled to parrot study at least to pass exam. Therefore output would be unproductive if input remained cumbersome.

I presume our curriculum prevailed in our country remains unchanged till couple of decades ahead. We find many students showing interest towards science but nation doesn’t pay attention towards them. Consequently some of them are compelled to travel abroad & some have to join other profession. At least to encourage them we form ‘Creative Science Association’ with members of similar interest to share their notions, interests, & talents among their friends, lecturers & others. Encouragement induces interest & interest leads towards discovery. So I believe this acquaintance would indeed help for their bright future.

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