Saturday, August 28, 2010

On science philosophy

Go out on a clear fall night and observe the great square of stars in the constellation. How large is the universe? How large does it seem? How many clusters of galaxy exit in the universe? Perhaps billion. Can we find cluster of cluster? Perhaps yes. Is there any end to this awesome distancing?
Science admits the earth is perhaps, many billions years old. Prior to the precise period where actually was Earth? Science acknowledges that the earth was formed due to the explosion of some gigantic matter conceivably the sun. If it is so then how and what that colossal entity did come into substance? Where is or was that prehistoric matter before the explosion occurred? How can you avoid asking the time "before" the explosion? How can you not wonder "where" it occurred and much important why? The explosion, if it was an event, must have a cause. By which degree that the planet are stationed in that particular position gratifying their contractual obligation of rotation and revolution on that earnest approach? By which degree that they do not disregard their explicit orbit? When, why and how the so called gravitational force which undeniably is sensitive did subsist within on sensitive soil and stone? Why the same phenomenon of cooling did not subsist in the sun while it ensues in planets within same solar system? Why and how helium exit in the sun while oxygen in the earth? If humans and apes belongs to same antecedent then why one turned out to be an animal while other into human?

Theory of love

We all are familiar with Newton's law of gravitation which states that "Every body in this universe attracts another with the force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them."
Here I am going to explain anything regarding it but I want to relate this law with the love in two hearts. Similar to the above law let me establish another law i.e. "every heart on this earth attract another heart by a force which is
1. Directly proportional to the product of amount of their love in their heart
i.e. F ∝ L1x L2
Where L1 and L2 are the amount of love in two different hearts.
2. Inversely proportional to the square of distance between two hearts.
i.e. F∝ 1/d2

The researcher

On the distant far land
He's lying on the pile of sand
With lonely mind and paper in hand.

The scorching sun shines on him
The sweltering heat makes him scream
But, today he is here to show his drean

He is on the depth, nobody can measure
He has given up all happiness and pleasure
Just to find out that hidden treasure.

Today he has shown what his result says
Thinking it will make them amaze
And it’s the unknown mystry of ages.

They just saw scribbles on his pages.
Pariwartan Tiwari
(Crazy diamond)

How Heavy Is The Earth ?

Now despite science coming forward in leaps and bounds the simple question of how much the Earth weighs isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Certainly placing the earth onto a massive set of weighing scales isn’t an option. So how do we measure the total weight of the Earth?
Well scientists initially went about this task by trying to estimate the weight of a very large mountain and then simply scaling that figure up. However this method led to some peculiar results and since then the mathematics and calculations involved have changed taking into consideration further factors such as the volume and overall density of the planet.
If you combine the above with weighted samples of various parts of the planet scientists have come up with a more accurate number which they believe to be around 6 quadrillion kilograms.


Every creature, from its birth till the death is in the process of “understanding the world”. Our introduction with the world begins with our birth and for our whole life there is the entire world for us to understand. Understanding the world is the most basic and necessary activity in our life. Knowingly or unknowingly we do it all the time, being aware or even being unaware with it. Understanding the world has been the theme of our life and we are so much in it that we don’t even care we are doing it. A baby learning its basic steps of life, a cub getting trained to hunt, a deer running to save its life, a spider knitting its web, an elephant in search of water, a worker giving best out of his/her labor or a scientist diving deep into a theory, seems all have their own world to understand. But the world is one, so all creatures have a common purpose of understanding this world.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Endangered Species

An endangered species of a toothless mammal once found on the bank of Bagmati river is Pangolin. Pangolin found in Nepal is a scaly anteater. Its scientific name is Manis pentadactylus. It is a native of Asia, Africa, and some Island in Pacific. Largest of all the Pangolin is the Great Ground Pangolin; Smutsia gigantea of equatorial Africa.
Pangolin’s body is streamlined and tappesed at both ends with long tail. Its body is covered with scales which are made from hair cemented densely together. Its head is small, the face pointed and mouth without tooth. From the mouth the tiny long sticky string of a tongue can be exteuded several inches to pick up the insects . The limbs are provided with strongly clawed five digits.
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