Saturday, August 28, 2010


Every creature, from its birth till the death is in the process of “understanding the world”. Our introduction with the world begins with our birth and for our whole life there is the entire world for us to understand. Understanding the world is the most basic and necessary activity in our life. Knowingly or unknowingly we do it all the time, being aware or even being unaware with it. Understanding the world has been the theme of our life and we are so much in it that we don’t even care we are doing it. A baby learning its basic steps of life, a cub getting trained to hunt, a deer running to save its life, a spider knitting its web, an elephant in search of water, a worker giving best out of his/her labor or a scientist diving deep into a theory, seems all have their own world to understand. But the world is one, so all creatures have a common purpose of understanding this world.

From the origin of living beings, they always advance towards adoption with environment and multiplication of same type in order to save their species. They have developed the best defense system as much as possible to tackle with challenging and unstable nature around. From the smallest virus and bacteria’s to the human and the largest-whales, for all living beings the rule is simple that is- to adopt as environment or to make the environment adopt you in order to survive. (e.g. “Animals develop hairs to adopt coldness but we change the environment around us by building house and wearing clothes in order to tackle with coldness.”) Now the question arises – How can we adopt to environment around us for survival? Yes, adoption is the natural process in living beings, but is that natural process enough for the survivable of the species? The answer is-No. I don’t say it, but the history has proven it. If the natural change in living beings in order to adopt environment was successful then species of dinosaurs, mammoth, dodo etc, would exist till now. Lets credit a theory from Charles Darwin according to which “Every species of living being struggle for survival and the fittest one remains where other extinct”. Here the fittest not only means physically but also account for intelligent by which we human are count as a superior beings of this planet. And being intelligent is directly proportional to understanding the things around. So as to adopt with environment or to make it adopt us we have to understand this world. So only by understanding what’s going around and what steps to be taken we can adopt to environment for survival.
Think for a while, why are we the most superior? The scientific answer may be hidden under the complex biological and physical process but to govern that process, knowledge of the surrounding is very essential, which human has acquire more than other beings. So the more we understand this world the more we are safer in this world. If we have to be alive then we must understand this world & act according to it. And if we think deeply, why we want to survive is because we want to understand this world more clearly and wisely.
- Rabin K. Rb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u r right

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