Saturday, August 28, 2010

On science philosophy

Go out on a clear fall night and observe the great square of stars in the constellation. How large is the universe? How large does it seem? How many clusters of galaxy exit in the universe? Perhaps billion. Can we find cluster of cluster? Perhaps yes. Is there any end to this awesome distancing?
Science admits the earth is perhaps, many billions years old. Prior to the precise period where actually was Earth? Science acknowledges that the earth was formed due to the explosion of some gigantic matter conceivably the sun. If it is so then how and what that colossal entity did come into substance? Where is or was that prehistoric matter before the explosion occurred? How can you avoid asking the time "before" the explosion? How can you not wonder "where" it occurred and much important why? The explosion, if it was an event, must have a cause. By which degree that the planet are stationed in that particular position gratifying their contractual obligation of rotation and revolution on that earnest approach? By which degree that they do not disregard their explicit orbit? When, why and how the so called gravitational force which undeniably is sensitive did subsist within on sensitive soil and stone? Why the same phenomenon of cooling did not subsist in the sun while it ensues in planets within same solar system? Why and how helium exit in the sun while oxygen in the earth? If humans and apes belongs to same antecedent then why one turned out to be an animal while other into human?
Is a man still in the route of development? If it is so then what will be its edifice in future? Science understands human psychology but why it fails to exchange it? It can draw graph of human mind yet fails to increase or decrease sensitivity of human mind, why? Is it probable to transform human mind akin to computer's memory? Science ascertains a systole and diastole of heart beating but it still fails to exchange human feeling why? Isn't the fabrication of baby test tube imitation of nature? Isn't the device of airliner and ocean liner simulation of nature? If oxygen is the driving vigor of life why it is impossible to bestow life to the dead body by forcing oxygen onto it?
Why death can't be triumphed, time can't be clogged and direction can't be changed? Why and by which degree that the earth is being inclined at a specific angle? What would happen if the earth had been inclined at an angle of 90 degree? Does it feasible for science to craft a Robot possess human like thinking? Why not to insert a calculator in to the mathematical department of human brain? If the treatment methodology that can deceive a dead body after 5 or 10 minutes is being discovered then can't we probably receive AIDS virus? If the mission of nature is to bestow something then human should be given wings, birds should be given hands and animals should be given brains. Why the existence is supervised in such a super conscious state with the conception of Minus and Plus.
I presume a more crucial rational and intellectual insight will unquestionably generate scores of unambiguous. Science definitely is a delightful word for a logic mind. It's intact the space for imagination the journey for search and gymnasium for opinion and analysis. Within any logical system no matter how rigidly structure there are always question that cant not be answered with precision. Contradictions may be discovered and errors may lurk. The verdict is clear knowledge can never be certain. It is always intrusion. In general perspective I suppose philosophy is often talked of but seldom talked about. Once Dr Einstein was inquired "what is genius?" he answered "Genius is an infinite attention to reality, especially of the causes of nature of things and of the principles governing existence". And this is what philosophy is all about. A true scientist indeed can be true philosopher. Where the frontier of science stops, there initiates the field of philosophy. I dream a true scrutiny of the discipline of science will definitely make the student of science a true philosopher.
Ramesh Subedi
BSc 1st year

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