Monday, April 2, 2012

Hidden facts about tea

Prakash Chalise
B.Sc. 1st, PNC 
Tea is being one of the preferred hot drinks of the modern society. Every category of people wants to drink tea except a few. Some facts about tea make people panic. Even scientists suggest drinking too much tea is injurious to our health. But recent studies about tea makes some different conclusion as “If we drink tea in a certain limit in regular manner, it helps to improve our health but not harms”.
Plant nutrition called “Phytonutrients” which increases our anti-oxidant (capacity of our body to fight against the diseases) is found in tea. Researches show that there “Phytonutrients” prevents our untimely old-age, cancer, diabetes, heart attack & eye suffering. The American scientist (Working in Agriculture ministry of USA), “Ronald Prior” with his longtime research about tea claims that there “Phytonutrients” are more powerful & nutritive then that from fruits & green vegetable.
Another researcher, working in food laboratory in USA, Dr. Graince Vicher mentioned that his laboratory experimental research showed that one cup of tea provides the “Phytonutrients” equivalent to that from one plate green vegetable or one plate of fresh meat.
The Chinese scientist “DR. Tumi Cheni” is longtime research found a chemical named “Polyphenal” in tea which prevents the mouth cancer.

Which tea & how to drink?
The tea drinkers are not sure that which tea is useful (healthier) for them. But by the scientist both the black & green tea are equally useful for us. The chemical ‘Polyphenal’ is early dissolved in our body.
When preparing tea, scientist suggest not to boil longtime, otherwise the amount of ‘lead’ ‘tenin’ contained in tea will be increased which cause harmful effects in our body. Also the phytonutrient may be destroyed when boiling tea longtime. The persons suffering from Gastric, Uleer & other stomach related diseases, are suggested not to drink too much ‘milk tea’
& the normal persons should not take more than 3 to 4 cup per a day.
Additive Information:-
In the ancient time the Greek Scientist (Physician) used believe tea as an effective medicine of cold-cough, bronchitis etc. Russian physicians in 10th century used to advice their patients to drink tea whether they desire to make their heart, digestive system, blood vessels & same organs strong. The American scientists 4 decades before proved that the compound ‘tenin’ destroys (kills) the viruses & bacteria completely. This tenin is found in tea (Chiyapatti). Also the tenin protects our teeth.
Finally, we may conclude that tea is beneficial for our health. Thus have to take plenty of fruits & fresh vegetables in our daily food.

1 comment:

Nutrition Information said...

This information is very helpful for those who want to drink strong tea . . . .

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