Monday, March 7, 2011

Mind is Mathematical

Every theory in science needs to be mathematically proven. That is to say mathematics is the fundamental perception of the human mind. Mathematics is easily understood by every man. 'A good physicist is a good mathematician, and a good philosopher is always a good physicist. It is not a proverb, but the topic of the discussion, being presented.
Let's say a student was sent to a very historic park and after he comes back, and if you ask him in a row of question about a temple, lets say .Then he says, it was beautiful, and really strong and very big in size, in the same order back and forth because human mind perceives in series Philosophically, Physically, and Mathematically.

Let's say a boy was traveling a city, and if you ask him question, how was the tower? He will answer very big. I felt like it would fall right on my head, yes but the design seemed to be same in most of the places. Here the series goes in order, Mathematical to physical to philosophical.
If we say Philosophies are not facts, then we have to say Physical laws are not fact; because, mathematics itself is not fact, it's a simple assumption. Mathematics starts with zero and ends at 1 .It speak as ' something out of nothing '. No mathematician or physicists has the answer of the origin or the creation, but a philosopher has. A philosopher has the answer because it follows in a chain .A philosopher either takes help of mathematics going forward into the chain or takes help of physics going back to the chain. If a philosopher takes help of math then he takes the origin as zero and names it god or if takes help of physics and define it as matter (energy). Is it the cause of a materialistic and spiritual philosophy on the origin or universe?
Going through three words, mathematics, physics and philosophies, the three other words, physical mental and spiritual plays the similar role.

Every Human Being has infinite desires and begs for more, because mathematically there is no final destination, its infinite. If a person says ' I have 1 and I will be satisfied after I make it 2; then its not like where are his infinite desires in him?' If said mathematically there are infinite numbers between 1 and 2. So, he has infinite desires. Interpreting it physically, when a person sees an object, and he is asked about to explain it

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