Sunday, November 27, 2011

Name of Nokia

Nokia is a name of city situated nearby the capital city of Finland in Helsinki which is 15 km far from Temper at the bank of Nokianvirta river. The word ‘ Nokia’ has been derived from name of the Nokianvirta river. If we turn over the pages of history at 1865 A.D. Predek Edestema had established it. In the beginning it was named as Pahap Mil. Then 1871 A.D it was named as nokia & till 1990 it works in different scopes & developed many branches.
According to the data of March  2011, 176,384 people have been working in the office of Nokia in 183 countries. In the world Nokia sells its products in 196 countries. In 16 countrires it conducts  research  & developments programs. Nokia established its research
center in 1996 & till now there are 38,020 people working on it. It has branch in the following  countires like Finland, China, India, Kenya, England, Switzerland & America. Surprising matter is it don’t have any factory or office in its own nokia city now. Recently its main branch office is in Espu & factory is in Salo city. These two cities are very far from Nokia city.
Today there is just a name of Nokia where sometimes higher officers have private parties.
Veshraj Devkota
B.Sc 2nd Year (Physics)

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